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Cool game, i like the switchup in the colorscheme! took a while to get used to the controls, love the idle animations with the gun, love the jumpcycle with the two feet up in the air lol

Somebody mentioned about the skeleton flashing before attacking. I thought there was something weird about fighting the skeletons, that I didn't notice right away. But what bugs me is how sometimes there seems to be like a competition between who's attack lands first. Sometimes I'll attack first, but as I'm hitting him  he manages to get his attack off on me. I can't quite explain it, Maybe something to do with hitboxes as well. Either way, I think the full release can use some tightening up with the fighting sections. 

Yeah theres a reason for that unfortunately. Originally you could hit a skeleton and get hit at the same time and that was in the original build but it would result in a softlock. i made it a one or the other situation as a quick patch for now but im glad someone noticed so i can go back and actually do it

weirdly the arrow keys seem to work as controls (which i prefer) for the first few screens then seem to stop !

any reason why ?

oops tysm for telling me. i know why but i cant really explain why lol


this is SO COOL
really like the artstyle and soundtrack

i would recommend removing the flashing on enemies sprites before they attack, it makes me feel like im dealing damage to them (?)


This is super cool! I love the art style :)